The most important things that you can do for yourself during fire season.
1. Avoid going outside on days when the air quality is bad. Get familiar with the local site that keeps track of this information: There is even a sections specific to the Flathead Valley.
2. Invest in a good quality air purifier. An air purifier is important for filtering the air in your home or work space. I love the mobile unit by Enviroklenz. You can put it in your bedroom at night and move it to your main rooms during the day. If you mention Dr. Tara Wilcox when you order, you will get 10% off your unit and an extra 3 filters for free!
3. Upgrade your air filter. The higher the MPR/ MERV the better your filter is at catching smaller particulate in the air. Keep in mind that this is only going to come into play if you are running an air conditioning unit or the heater. If you have to open a window to cool your place down, get some filters and use them in your window to help filter the smoke and particulate.
4. Saline rinses. Using your netti pot or whatever sort of flush system that you prefer helps to rinse out the gunk in your noise. Think of nose as a filter; when the filter is clogged, it is just not as efficient.
5. NAC. N Acetyl Cysteine is an amino acid that helps thin the mucous. This will help your nasal passages and lungs secrete the bad stuff.
6. Alternate care. Sometimes breathing difficulties can be fixed with various alternate care such as adjustments, acupuncture, or even nebulizer treatments. Call your chiropractor, acupuncturist, or naturopathic doctor.